The Port of Rotterdam is preparing its airspace and procedures and today it has launched a market consultation for parties that can support the U-space prototype.
According to a news release:
“Increasing the operational safety of manned and unmanned traffic in the port area is one of the main motivations. Improving the visibility of aircrafts is another. Better identification of unmanned flights, the option of banning flights over sensitive locations and security also play a role. Airspace monitoring will provide insight into the use of the sky and make it possible to enforce regulations. At the same time, but no less important, an unmanned traffic management system will enable drone operators to offer their services safely to the ports’ clients. More background information and the steps to be taken can be found in the white paper “Drone Port of Rotterdam; U-Space Airspace Prototype”.
“The Port of Rotterdam Authority has therefore taken on an investigative role in the rising volume of air traffic. Drone applications in the port are currently involved in incident control, supervision, inspections, combating crime and drug smuggling. Many experimental Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) flights have not yet received permission. For example, delivery of parts on board a ship, or cargo inspections before the ship arrives in the port. With U-space services in place, BVLOS permissions may be accelerated.
“The prototype, starting in summer 2022 for a period of two years, will provide answers to questions about how to organise and control the low altitude airspace in the port in a way that ensures safety whilst providing opportunities. It will help determine the role that the Port Authority will play in low-level airspace. It will also give a substantiated impression of the type and amount of work involved in drone airspace control and the costs involved.
“The Ministries and competent authority concerned will be involved. Their task is to set up the governance, finance and legal framework for airspace management. The prototype will feed back results and experiences to the regulators. It will thus create an interaction between practical experiences and the establishment of all necessary rules, procedures and protocols. Properly organised prototypes can be a huge help in setting up safe U-space airspace. The Port of Rotterdam is keen to play a leading role in this and serve as an example for the rollout to other areas in the Netherlands.”
For more information
(Image: Shutterstock)