India appoints central agency to strengthen counter drone capabilities in face of rising incidents

India’s security ministry has designated the National Security Guards (NSG) as the nodal agency for anti-drone capabilities, reports The Hindu Times. NSG is tasked with equipping state police departments and other organisations with anti-drone capabilities and providing training, says the report.

The newspaper says:States are reaching out to the NSG for training of its policemen in counter drone measures which are still evolving in India. NSG, which has acquired specialised skillsets domestically, has already trained police forces from Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab in anti-drone warfare.

“Indian security establishment woke up to the serious threat posed by drone when two bombs were dropped through the aerial platform at a Jammu airbase last June. Other than that, Pakistan has been using drones to air drop consignments of arms and contraband mainly in Jammu and Kashmir, and Punjab.”

The report goes on to say India’s armed forces “are developing their own capabilities and have lined up to purchase counter-drone systems essentially developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)”.

(Image: Shutterstock)

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