GUTMA seeks new secretary general

The Global UTM Association is seeking a new secretary general. GUTMA is a non-profit consortium of worldwide Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM) stakeholders. Its mission is to support and accelerate the transparent implementation of globally interoperable UTM systems. The secretary general is responsible for the day-to-day management of the association. The position reports directly to the association’s board.

Responsibilities and Duties

  • Act as the central point of contact for members and external stakeholders interested in the association’s activities
  • Organize the association’s general assembly and closely collaborate with the board to implement the strategic vision set by the general assembly
  • Oversee the association’s outreach efforts (annual conference, marketing) and technical initiatives, including working groups
  • Represent members in relevant regulatory and standards bodies, conferences, and fairs.
  • Collaborate and proactively engage with relevant international stakeholders, such as other industry associations
  • Supervise budget use and finances


  • Excellent understanding of the drone industry ecosystem
  • Sound knowledge of the major drone regulatory frameworks
  • Aptitude to engage with a wide range of stakeholders, technical and non-technical
  • Experience in contributing to international working groups (regulation and standards)
  • Proven ability to manage a virtual/distributed work environment
  • Outstanding organizational skills

Location, Remote Work and Travel

GUTMA is based in Lausanne, Switzerland, but its members and staff collaborate remotely. The secretary general’s position is therefore open to any qualified individual, anywhere in the world. Please note that the role requires frequent travel, up to 40% of the total working time, including week-long and overseas trips.

Starting Date: No later than June 1, 2019

To apply, please send your CV and a short letter of interest to

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