US FAA awards grants to General Atomics and Appareo to conduct research at North Dakota UAS test site

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has awarded two contracts totalling nearly USD2.3 million to General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI) and Appareo Systems to conduct unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) research in collaboration with the Northern Plains UAS Test Site in North Dakota. Funding for the research is provided by a programme established by the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Committee to support partnerships between companies and the nation’s UAS test sites to demonstrate or validate technologies essential to the safe integration of UAS into the national airspace.

According to a press release issued by Senator John Hoeven:

“We’ve built a premiere hub for all things UAS here in North Dakota,” said Senator John Hoeven “It makes sense for the FAA to utilize the expertise of businesses in our state, like GA-ASI and Appareo, along with our test site to develop and demonstrate the technologies needed to safely fly unmanned aircraft in our national airspace. That’s exactly why we created this UAS research program, which uses federal funds to leverage private investment and create these kinds of partnerships.”

GA-ASI has received nearly USD1.5 million in contract funding to research Detect and Avoid (DAA) capabilities. This technology will enable unmanned aircraft to detect other aircraft flying nearby and maintain safe separation. GA-ASI will be conducting this research at Grand Sky, the nation’s first unmanned aviation business park, located at the Grand Forks Air Force Base.

“This is an opportunity to showcase the investment GA-ASI continues to make into Detect and Avoid technology, and, in a broader sense, the integration of UAS into the National Airspace System,” said GA-ASI President David R. Alexander. “We look forward to continuing to grow our relationship with the Northern Plains UAS Test Site and working more projects in North Dakota.”

Appareo received USD802,599 in contract funding to research radio functionality at different altitudes and in different environments for the purposes of command and control (C2) and live-streaming high-resolution video. This effort, which will also evaluate the use of LTE cellular networks for unmanned aircraft applications, will help ensure communication between UAS and the ground stations responsible for controlling the aircrafts.

“We’re pleased to partner with the FAA and the Northern Plains UAS Test Site in this program, supporting the effort to ensure the safe integration of unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace,” said Brenda Wyland, VP of Government & Defense of Appareo. “Programs like this, designed to leverage companies’ expertise such as our depth of experience developing cutting-edge technology, are essential to advance the industry.”

(Image: NPUASTS)

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