U-ELCOME tests U-space implementation in Spain

The U-ELCOME project successfully tested the implementation of U-space on the banks of the River Ebro in Saragossa, Spain on October 24. 

The test consisted of a mixed search and rescue operation between Saragossa Fire Department and the company Umiles, simulating the search for a person in the selected area of the Ebro River. Two drones flew and coordinated with manned boats in a joint search party. A third drone operated by the company Bluenest flew a defibrillator from the south bank of the river to the north bank. The flight served as a contingency for the other users in the area, making a safe landing and resuming the flight when the traffic volume was at a safe level again.

The operation tested a Dynamic Airspace Reconfiguration (DAR) with the drone operators flying simultaneously. Umiles performed a beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) flight and Bluenest performed a line-of-sight drug delivery and release flight. 

U-ELCOME is coordinated by EUROCONTROL and funded by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency in cooperation with SESAR 3.

For more information

U-ELCOME project

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