“Medical supplies ‘yes’ but pizzas ‘no’ when flying drones over houses in Germany”

SKYNOPOLY, a Germany company that acquires overflight rights for logistics drones and air taxis from property owners and markets these to commercial fleet operators has today sent all German state aviation authorities and the Federal Aviation Office an “interpretative note on §§ 21h, 21i LuftVO” regarding the granting of exemptions for drones flying over residential areas.

According to the company:

“It must be noted that an exemption under § 21i LuftVO for the overflight of residential areas can only be granted in special cases that have a considerable social significance or are characterised by sovereign authority. This would be the case for drug deliveries, blood and organ transports or even survey flights. The delivery of food or parcels, on the other hand, is not a legitimate business purpose and therefore cannot be approved, especially since disturbances from private individuals are to be expected due to UAS and the subjective feeling of the affected property owner that he is under observation is also unacceptable.“

For more information


Image: Skynopoly

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