SESAR SAFIR-Med delivery network programme announces 2022 demonstration flights

The SESAR JU Unmanned Aerial Mobility (UAM) programme SAFIR-Med, which is testing medical deliveries between healthcare centres in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, has announced the start of test flights in September 2022. The test flights will trial cross-border medical transport by drone in the Maas-Rhein region. Among SAFIR-Med project partners, Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) company Droniq is responsible for safe integration of drone flights into the airspace and coordination with other demonstration activity. For this purpose, all manufacturers participating in the flights will be equipped with a HOD4Track transponder device supplied by Droniq. The HOD4Track sends the position of the drone to a traffic management system. It also ensures that other air traffic participants see the drone. Droniq has now equipped all manufacturers with a HOD4Track. In the next step, manufacturers are currently integrating the HOD4Track into their aircraft. This will set the stage for safe drone flight in the coming year.

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