Protecting Poland’s largest drone show from GNSS interference

GPSPATRON and Droneradar helped to secure the skies above Warsaw recently during what was Poland’s largest ever drone show.

GPSPATRON provided GNSS interference detection technology, and Droneradar managed the installation and operational use of these systems on the ground. The Droneradar team positioned the GP-Probe TGE2 detector to safeguard the event, protect sensitive installations and ensure uninterrupted drone operations.

The Warsaw Uprising drone show was not just a visual spectacle but a technical challenge. GNSS interference, whether accidental or intentional, posed a significant risk. Any disruption to the GNSS signals could have led to potential collisions or crashes between more than 600 drones that could endanger the audience and compromise the event’s success.

Droneradar and GPSPATRON implemented a comprehensive GNSS interference detection and monitoring system to continuously scan the airspace for any signs of interference, ensuring that any threats were detected and neutralised before they could impact the show. The use of live data meant that interference could be quickly identified and addressed before an issue could arise. The ability to monitor the GNSS spectrum in real-time and the provision of concrete evidence in case of interference were crucial for maintaining the integrity of the event. 

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