Mosaic ATM and MAAP test remote ID-based DAA system

Mosaic ATM and the Virginia Tech Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership (MAAP) have successfully demonstrated a remote ID-based detect and avoid (DAA) system for drone vs. drone encounters in an effort sponsored by the US Federal Aviation Administration.

During the flight test, the RID DAA software was tested through 36 drone vs. drone encounters. These encounters demonstrated several types of avoidance logic and operational concepts. DAA logic demonstrated included ACAS sXu and DO-365. Operational concepts demonstrated included automatic execution of resolution advisories, automatic execution of returns to course, maintaining and regaining well clear through suggestive and directive guidance, and pilot-on-the-loop supervision. Mosaic used NASA Langley Research Center’s (LaRC) DAIDALUS software for its DO-365 DAA implementation.

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Mosaic ATM

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