London Heliport deploys Altitude Angel Approved Platform to support unmanned operations

The London Heliport has deployed the Approved Services platform supplied by Unified Traffic Management (UTM) company Altitude Angel. The platform is designed to allow drone operators, and in the future eVTOL pilots, the ability to request and pay for operations within the heliport’s airspace digitally.

From 14 August, the Approved Platform allows drone operators to submit flight plans which take place in part wholly or in part within The London Heliport’s FRZ quickly and securely, as well as facilitating any charges the heliport has in place when a flight is approved.

Prior to the introduction of Approval Services, Altitude Angel has been providing The London Heliport with a combined view of the airspace in the vicinity of its FRZ (flight restriction zone), enabling the heliport to digitally approve or decline operations from drone companies and drone operators, using Altitude Angel’s proven digital authorisation and flight management technology.

Matthew Rice, The London Heliport, Operations Manager said: “The heliport’s location is a prime area for drone activity and within its FRZ, will have over 500 authorised drone flights a year. Managing these applications and having an overall picture of what is going on day to day has always been a challenge. This is why our relationship with Altitude Angel has been pivotal in having a robust application process that helps us to monitor and process them easily. ‘Situational Awareness’ allows our Air Traffic Control to have a better understanding of what activity is planned and approved within the FRZ on the day. This helps us to try and achieve our ultimate goal of ensuring all helicopters operating in and out of the heliport are made aware of any drone operations and kept safe.”

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