GSMA releases report on monetisation prospects for mobile network operators in UAV ecosystem

GSMA has released a report entitled: UAVs: commercial applications and the opportunity for mobile operators. The report follows a a global survey of 25 UAV ecosystem players on market trends, challenges and opportunities carried out by GSMA in early 2023.  Leveraging GSMA Intelligence research into mobile operator network investment plans (5G-Advanced and 6G) and drone strategies, the report presents survey insights across areas including revenue opportunities, challenges and timelines for wider adoption, and expected roles and services for telcos. The report also presents several case studies of telecoms operators in the UAV ecosystem.

According to GSMA, mobile network operators have opportunities with strong monetisation prospects. However, few mobile operators have detailed a comprehensive strategy. To be ready in two to three years, they need to act now.

As part of this work, GSMA surveyed leading UAV companies and experts, where we asked them about priority use cases, timelines for wider adoption, challenges spanning regulation, technology availability and public acceptance among others. In the report, we present these findings in insights and data.

GSMA drew on its knowledge of telecoms operators stance against drones, their network investment plans (in 5G and 5G-Advanced) and enterprise strategies, identified revenue opportunities, expected roles and services for mobile operators in the UAV space.

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