FAA invites applicants to provide Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability services

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) invites applicants to become a UAS service supplier of the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC). Companies approved to provide LAANC services are known as FAA approved UAS Service Suppliers (USS). The application period opens 1 May 2023. Upon successful completion of all onboarding activities, the FAA will sign the MOA and the USS will receive notification that it may begin providing LAANC services.

The Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) is a collaboration between the FAA and Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Service Suppliers (USSs), which are entities approved by the FAA to provide LAANC services. Launched in October 2017, LAANC automates the approval process for airspace authorization requests made by small UAS (sUAS) operators flying under 14 C.F.R. Part 107 (Part 107) and 49 U.S.C. § 44809 (Section 44809). Part 107 and Section 44809 allow sUAS operators to fly in controlled airspace near airports, provided they have prior authorization from air traffic.

Application Period (05/01 – 06/02):

  • USS onboarding application submission must include:
    • Completed USS Application Package
    • Signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

FAA Submission Review (06/05 – 07/07):

  • FAA has 30 days to respond whether the applicant meets requirements to continue in the process.
  • During review, the FAA may ask applicants for additional information based on submitted materials

Technical Interviews (07/10 – 08/11):

  • FAA invites applicants that pass the review to demo & discuss their product.
  • If product meets the USS Performance Rules proceed to the formal testing phase

Formal Testing (08/14 – 10/13):

  • Applicants proceed to system integration with the LAANC Automation Platform in a staging environment
  • Applicants must demonstrate successful execution of validation scenarios to show compliance with the LAANC USS Performance Rules
  • Applicants have two attempts to pass the compliance demonstrations/tests
  • MOA countersigned by FAA upon successful completion of all onboarding activities

LAANC Go-Live (10/16 – 11/17):

  • FAA countersigns MOA upon successful completion of all onboarding activities
  • FAA grants production LAANC credentials to applicant
  • Applicant provides active production LAANC services within 30 days of finalizing the MOA.

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