Clearance extends U-space services at regional airports in France in partnership with Edeis

Drone services company Clearance has combined with airport services company Edeis to put in place appropriate tools to plan the use of airspace in and around airports. The services aim to support drone remote pilots and AFIS (Aerodrome Flight Information System) agents and authorities responsible for authorising drone flights.

The Clearance platform allows drone pilots to plan their operations at the click of a button. They can identify the authorisations required to undertake the flights and applications via a simple and intuitive web interface. These requests are forwarded to Edeis AFIS agents who visualise the impact on manned air traffic and respond with appropriate instructions. This development enables Edeis to provide integrated management of drones with manned flights and prepares for future increase in drone operations and implementation of U-space services.

The Clearance solution is available at all airports served by Edeis and creates a common language for drone operators. Each airport is able to customise the platform to suit its airspace and AFIS agents can generate a protocol with all the required instructions for a flight.

Edeis’ AFIS agents, who have all been trained on the Clearance platform, now benefit from a turnkey tool for managing drone flights at the 18 regional airports within its sphere of operations.

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