US department of transportation establishes AAM interagency working group

The US department of transportation (DoT) has established an Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) working group (AAM IWG) in accordance with the Advanced Air Mobility Coordination and Leadership Act (the Act) signed into law by President Biden in October 2022. This directed the Secretary of Transportation to establish the Advanced Air Mobility Interagency Working Group (AAM IWG).  The purpose of the AAM IWG is to plan for and coordinate efforts to integrate advanced air mobility aircraft into the national airspace system, particularly passenger carrying aircraft, in order to grow new transportation options, amplify economic activity and jobs, advance environmental sustainability and new technologies, and support emergency preparedness and competitiveness.

On February 22, 2023, the Department of Transportation began implementation of the Act which directs the Secretary of Transportation with establishing an interagency working group to develop a whole-of-government national strategy for the future of Advanced Air Mobility in the United States.

On March 21-22, 2023, DOT hosted an in-person meeting with representatives from over 15 Federal departments and agencies to develop a comprehensive workplan for the next year and ultimately deliver the AAM National Strategy in 2024 per the requirements of the law.  The team also heard presentations on existing government activities from FAA, NASA, and DOD, as well as an external analysis by NEXA Capital Partners on the economic long-term potential for the industry and the communities it may serve.

  • The interagency team will frame their work over the next year through established subgroups focused on automation strategy, security, infrastructure, air traffic, and community roles and engagement.

The interagency team plans to engage the public and a variety of stakeholders over the next few months including manufacturers and operators, aviation industry and labor stakeholders, as well as State, local, and Tribal governments.  The team looks forward to those engagements and will ensure all voices are heard in building the AAM National Strategy.
The AAM IWG is comprised of 22 members from the following Federal departments and agencies.

  • Department of Transportation
  • Department of State
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Justice
  • Department of the Interior
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Labor
  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • National Aeronautics & Space Administration
  • Office of Management and Budget
  • Council of Economic Advisors
  • National Security Council
  • Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • Office of the National Cyber Director
  • Federal Communications Commission
  • Department of Education

The AAM IWG will develop a national strategy that includes recommendations regarding the safety, operations, security, infrastructure, air traffic concepts, and other Federal investment or actions necessary to support the evolution of early AAM to higher levels of activity and societal benefit; and a comprehensive plan detailing the roles and responsibilities of each Federal department and agency, and of State, local, and Tribal governments, necessary to facilitate or implement the recommendations developed.

(Image: Fostering leadership and interagency collaboration in the adoption and deployment of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), a transportation system that will move people and property by air using highly automated aircraft with advanced technologies in controlled and uncontrolled airspace within the US)

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