Southern Africa’s drone industry refines regulations, increases focus on airspace integration

The Commercial Unmanned Aerial Association of Southern Africa (CUAASA) reports several milestones at the latest annual general meeting:

  • Currently drafting the regulatory framework to enable the operation of <250gr in the Open Category
  • Work has started on creating the Categorisation Model
  • Drone financing model option being built for commercial drone operators
  • Enforcement Guide and SAPS charge codes launched
  • Attendance of several CARCom meetings to formally respond to identified issues / shortcomings relating to proposed amendments of any Civil Aviation Regulation
  • Two further subgroups have been formed following comments/objections made by CUAASA
  • ATM-CNS Implementation Committee – UA Workgroup and Regulatory Workgroup working towards integration of RPAS into national airspace
  • CUAASA represents commercial operators at all 2022 SACAA-RPAS Industry Liaison Forum Meetings
  • CUAASA ExCo contributes on the UAV/RPAS Subgroup on General Aviation Safety.

CUAASA is a not for profit professional body acting on behalf of the commercial remotely piloted aircraft (RPAS) community. On behalf of its members, CUAASA works closely with industry regulators, in particular SA CAA (South African Civil Aviation Authority), as well as SA Government departments to influence and ensure that the regulatory framework for the safe and professional operation of remotely piloted aircraft is fit for purpose and encourages best practice. CUAASA also works with other key stakeholders in the development of national and international RPAS strategies and standards, to the benefit of its members.

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