New JARUS deliverable on the use of mobile networks to support UAS operations

The Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) has approved the White Paper – Use of mobile networks to support UAS operations, developed by its Working Group 5 responsible for Command, Control & Communications.

The document has received unanimous approval from all the JARUS Member States who voted. JARUS comprises more than 60 aviation authorities from the five continents, plus EASA and Eurocontrol.

WG5 has prepared this document to provide JARUS members and the wider UAS community with an understanding of:

  • the main possibilities that services based on Mobile Communications Networks (MCN; e.g. 5G over urban areas) can provide to overcome intrinsic constraints and contribute to unleashing the full potential of UAS operations; and
  • the main regulatory and standardisation aspects that need to be considered for the safe and secure use of such services based on MCN for expanded UAS operations.

With the official approval and publication of this document, JARUS recognise that 5G is a promising technology to support Command and Control (C2) link for UAS. In addition, JARUS, having reminded that the organisations providing such services should be under safety oversight like any other aviation service provider, mentions the 2nd edition of ISO 21384-3 for the safety, security and quality requirements applicable to the C2 Communication Service Provider (C2CSP), thus recognising for the first time an ISO standard as possible Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC).

John Walker, Chairman of ISO TC/20 SC/16 and vice-Chair of JARUS Stakeholder Consultation Body declared: “I am very pleased noticing that JARUS is aware of the standardisation work for UAS and UTM which we are carrying out in ISO; and, that they recommend to use some of our standards as Acceptable Means of Compliance with aviation rules in the JARUS 60+ member States”.

Filippo Tomasello, Senior Partner of EuroUSC Italia added: “Performance-Based Regulation was initiated by a Resolution of the ICAO Assembly in 1998. With the fast pace of development of technology, it is vital that aviation authorities recognise consensus-based standards developed by industry to support their legally binding rules focused on the regulatory processes”.

JARUS has no legal status and therefore none of its documents is intended to be mandatory for the participating States. Nevertheless, its recommendations are addressed to 60+ member CAAs around the entire world, plus EASA and EUROCONTROL. In this sense, this publication can be considered a precious achievement for the worldwide UAS community.

This deliverable will be published on the new JARUS website which will come online soon.

(Image: EuroUSC Italia, Shutterstock)

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