FAA to accept Wingtra’s proposal for sUAS operations over people

According to a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) document due to be posted on the US Federal Register on 30 December 2024, the FAA “announces the acceptance of a means of compliance with FAA regulations for small unmanned aircraft (sUA) Category 3 operations over human beings. The Administrator finds that Wingtra AG’s “Proposed Means of Compliance for Operations Over People (OOP),” dated April 30, 2024, provides an acceptable means, but not the only means, of showing compliance with FAA regulations.

Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, part 107, subpart D, prescribes the eligibility and operating requirements for civil sUA to operate over human beings in the United States. To be eligible for use, the sUA must meet the requirements of § 107.130(a) for Category 3 operations. These sections require the sUA to be designed, produced, or modified such that it will not cause injury to a human being above a specified severity limit, does not contain any exposed rotating parts that would lacerate human skin, and does not contain any safety defects. Section 107.155 requires that means of compliance with § 107.130(a) be established and FAA-accepted. Section 107.160 requires an applicant to declare that sUA for Category 3 operations meet an FAA-accepted means of compliance.

This notification of availability serves as a formal acceptance by the FAA of Wingtra AG’s “Proposed Means of Compliance for Operations Over People (OOP),” dated April 30, 2024, as an acceptable means of compliance, but not the only means of compliance with § 107.130(a) for Category 3 operations. Applicants may also propose alternative means of compliance for FAA review and possible acceptance.”

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