Australian regulator consults on BVLOS drone operations

Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) requests input on beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations from all participants. CASA invites drone operators to visit its Consultation Hub to contribute to the survey.

The objectives of this survey are to collect information to:

  • provide a picture of the use of, or intended use of drones for BVLOS operations across Australia
  • review demographic and geographic information of BVLOS activities in Australia
  • identify key benefits from, and challenges to, increased BVLOS drone operations
  • identify areas where regulatory improvements may be applied for lower-risk, low altitude BVLOS drone operations.

According to CASA:

“The survey will help us to build a snapshot of the current and future use of lower-risk beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) drone operations in Australia. This survey is for anyone that operates or intends to operate drones BVLOS.

“We especially want to hear from the agricultural sector who could benefit from the use of drones operated BVLOS in activities such as spray management, mustering, farm and land management, or related agricultural outcomes.

“BVLOS operations are when the drone pilot cannot see the drone with their own eyes and relies on cameras on board the drone or other location-based information directly from the drone to orient and fly.

“Extended visual line of sight operations (EVLOS) are when the drone pilot cannot see the drone with their own eyes and a trained observer (or observers) maintains awareness and visual line of sight of the drone. The observer may be in the same location as or away from the pilot, with communication between both roles occurring with or without the use of a radio or phone.

“In this survey, we are seeking information on how drones are used and the types of BVLOS operations you intend or currently undertake so that we can improve the regulatory framework and streamline operational approvals.”

Take part in the survey here

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