US DHS issues RFI to support collateral effects mitigation demonstration

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of Procurement Operations has issued a Request for Information (RFI) on behalf of the DHS Science and Technology Directorate’s Office of Mission and Capability Support (MCS).

MCS is conducting market research for industry to demonstrate kinetic mitigation capabilities, to include Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) denial, for countering small uncrewed aerial systems (sUAS).  

Results of this RFI will support a kinetic mitigation demonstration scheduled for the summer of 2025. The purpose of this request is to collect and evaluate the current state of the market for kinetic mitigation systems of uncrewed aircraft systems which minimise collateral effects.

DHS says that research, test and evaluation, and operational evaluations of the C-UAS response chain (detect, track, identify, and mitigate) has revealed operational deficiencies and capability gaps in managing and responding to UAS operations. DHS  and its component agencies already have needs for kinetic C-UAS operations, and says in the RFI that those requirements are likely to increase as the drone threat evolves. This new RFI effort is designed to expand the department’s knowledge of kinetic mitigation technologies and collateral effects. 

“The primary DHS outcomes are to develop an understanding of current C-UAS kinetic mitigation capabilities, the inherent risks of using kinetic capabilities, and potential damage that may result from its use,” the RFI states. The demonstration will show kinetic mitigation capabilities for use against Group 1 and Group 2 UAS.

Capabilities sought include directed energy, entanglement, GNSS denial and munitions.

Responses are invited by February 18, 2025.

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