US and Singaporean defence ministries launch C-UAS challenge

The United States Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) and Singapore’s Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) have launched the US-Singapore Joint Challenge to identify novel uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) communications technologies and counter-UAS technologies. 

The joint challenge, which has a USD300,000 prize pool, consists of two opportunities to identify and scale dual-use technologies for operational demands: First, the challenge seeks to help ships operating close to shore continuously detect, track, identify, and disrupt unauthorised drones. Second, it seeks to provide resilient communications with small commercial drones during humanitarian assistance and disaster relief missions.

The challenge is the first collaboration to come out of a Memorandum of Understanding for defence innovation cooperation between the Singapore MINDEF and the Department of Defense, which was signed in May 2024. 

By the end of the 12-week challenge, the participants will have developed and demonstrated concepts for multiple shipboard counter-drone solutions with the potential to fill the needs of both the US and Singaporean Navies.

The challenge runs until October 30, 2024. US owned and operated companies or companies from NATO, Five Eyes Alliance, United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA), and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries at early-mid stage or companies that are considered non-traditional (as defined in the 2023 Department of Defense Other Transactions Guide) are eligible.

Proposed solutions must be able to notify operators upon the detection of a drone, safely disrupt unauthorised drones, operate in a tropical maritime environment, and demonstrate an ability to be integrated on a ship. DIU says the systems will ideally also have a detection and engagement range of greater than one kilometre, a response time of less than one minute, and require minimal man-effort to operate. Registration is now open.

For more information

Defense Innovation Unit

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