UK NPSA issues call for fourth CORE event to test AI-enhanced C-UAS

Following three successful C-UAS Capability Optimisation Research Environment (CORE) events, the UK’s National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) is looking for expressions of interest from vendors of AI-assisted detect, track, and identify technology. The technology will form part of this year’s CORE event, which is expected to be held from Monday 7th – Friday 11th October 2024 and hosted by both NPSA and the United States Department of Homeland Security.

The theme for 2024 is AI-enhanced C-UAS. Use of AI could, for example, include providing initial detection in congested spectrum environments, improving classification (UAS vs non-UAS or to further levels of detail), automatically assessing threat intent, or achieving better outcomes than traditional fusion, correlation and tracking algorithms and techniques.

NPSA will provide the test site with infrastructure including control rooms and data recording tools, and a test fleet of rotary and fixed-wing platforms. There is no participation cost to the vendor. Interested parties are required to complete the expression of interest form by August 9.

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