India’s Solar Group has tested a counter drone swarm system. Developed by Solar subsidiary Economic Explosives Ltd, the Bhargavastra multi-layered counter-drone system was tested at the Gopalpur Seaward Firing Ranges on January 12 and 13.
The company reports that the system successfully hit designated virtual targets over 2.5 kilometres away, demonstrating a capability to neutralise large-scale drone attacks.
Bhargavastra is being developed for the Indian Army, representatives of which were present at the test, for integration on an all-terrain vehicle. It includes a command and control system, radar, and seeker-equipped mini-missiles with a range of 6 kilometres. The system is designed to engage up to 64 targets simultaneously. An additional soft-kill layer will be integrated as part of the product development.
Bhargavastra will undergo further testing later this year ahead of its expected adoption into India’s armed forces.
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