Robin Radar and Exavision demonstrate ‘affordable multi-layered counter drone protection’

Robin Radar Systems reports its IRIS drone detection radar is now compatibility with the Exavision’s NEMOSYS-XR-HD counter-UAV optronic solution. The companies successfully demonstrated collaboration to provide multi-layered CUAS protection using two accurate, compatible systems, working in tandem to deliver a low false-alarm rate for end-users.

The companies say it is easy to connect IRIS with Exavision’s GUI, and simple to configure and operate the system. Both technologies are mission-proven in multi-sensor-multi-effector drone detection and defence systems worldwide in demanding scenarios.

The aim is to give government authorities and other end-users access to affordable CUAS capability; without significant investment in multi-sensor integrated systems.

The companies plan to test the system’s capability in the coming months.

According to Robin Radar, IRIS combines smart software and affordable radar for drone detection and tracking. With 360-degrees azimuth coverage and elevation coverage of 60-degrees, IRIS is designed to provide early warning of approaching drones.

Exavision’s NEMOSYS HD comprises a range of high definition optronic solutions designed designed for extra-long-range surveillance effective night and day.

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