Northrop Grumman launches low-cost guided-ammunition system to counter drone swarms

Northrop Grumman has launched a new type of air defence/counter UAS system called Cannon-Based Air Defence (CBAD) employing a range of guided-ammunition weapons to  affordably combat a growing array of threats, including swarms of drones and cruise missiles.

“Cannon-Based Air Defense is a system-of-systems solution to engage and defeat large quantities of low-cost air threats,” says the company in its promotion material. “It provides terminal defense for air bases and augments existing air defense solutions in the field today. The system includes layered effectors and sensors integrated into the force with battle management command and control (BMC2) systems. The enabling technology for CBAD is the development of guided ammunition. This provides a lethal, cost-effective, and resilient interceptor against a wide range of aerial threats. Launched in small salvos, these munitions are capable of multiple, continuous inflight maneuvers towards threats, increasing range and maximizing lethality. Guided ammunition is scalable across several calibers, allowing for layered defenses.”

“Traditional, long-range interceptor missiles are no longer cost-effective as adversaries deploy low-cost, expendable technologies in large quantities. CBAD provides an affordable, layered terminal defense with scalable manufacturing base and simplified logistics footprint. With CBAD, this advanced weapons system will help warfighters win tonight, and every tomorrow through intelligent weapons ready to deliver in their favor.

According to the company, programme differentiators include low-cost, large quantity simplified logistics, with costs around 99.5% less than missile batteries.

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