Lithuania assessing need for C-UAS, Defence Minister says

Lithuania’s national radio and television provider LRT says the country’s defence leaders are assessing the need for counter-uncrewed aerial systems (C-UAS) capabilities.

Defence Minister Laurynas Kasčiūnas appeared on LRT’s Topic of the Day television programme on June 26 and said he intends to discuss future investments in C-UAS with Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė.

“I will talk about what kind of investments are needed here to get this thing moving, because there is a world of drones and there is a world of anti-drones,” Kasčiūnas said on the programme, arguing that C-UAS and drone capabilities need to be developed in parallel.

LRT reports that Lithuania plans to develop a drone capability by 2027 and has recently launched its first training course for instructors of FPV ‘kamikaze’ drones. 

For more information

Ministry of National Defence, Lithuania

Image: Defence Minister Laurynas Kasčiūnas speaks at the Defence Technology Conference in Vilnius on June 11, 2024. Ministry of National Defence photo by Karolis Kavolėlis.

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