Leonardo launches C-UAS planning and assessment tool

Leonardo Canada Electronics has launched SkyTender, a counter-uncrewed aerial system (C-UAS) planning and assessment tool. It has been developed to address requirements for effective C-UAS solutions in foreign and congested radio frequency (RF) environments.

SkyTender enables users to simulate C-UAS effectiveness prior to physical deployment, aiding pre-acquisition evaluation, pre-mission planning and the set-up of ground based air defence equipment. The tool can evaluate spectral environments and topography and simulate threats, sensors and platforms, in combination with cyber, electromagnetic and kinetic effects. Operators can optimise the Detect, Track, and Identify functions, enabling them to plan, test, evaluate, rehearse, and refine C-UAS mitigation options effectively. SkyTender’s user interface enables users to define operational environments and access pre-configured scenarios and library assets. ‍

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