IDEX 2021: Rosoboronexport unveils integrated counter UAV system combining multiple devices

Rosoboronexport, part of Rostec State Corporation, held a public presentation entitled ‘New Approaches to Building an Integrated Counter UAV System’ at its stand in Hall 12. The technology was also exhibited the Almaz-Atey stand. The new package solution is designed to counter attacks by unmanned aerial vehicles and combines electronic warfare and air defense systems of various classes.

The package of capabilities, described in the Rosoboronexport press release, includes the following:

UAV jamming systems are most effective against light- and partly medium-class drones. These assets are capable of countering a massive air raid by unmanned aerial vehicles by suppressing their command/telemetry and navigation channels.

The Repellent-Patrol EW system developed and manufactured by JSC Defense Systems provides zone coverage of the territories. The Repellant-Patrol is a long-range system capable of jamming drones at a range of up to 20 km.

The Kupol and Rubezh-Avtomatika systems developed by Avtomatika Concern, part of Rostec State Corporation, carry out continuous radio surveillance and create a protective dome over the installation. This is an impenetrable barrier capable of repelling attacks not only by single drones, but also their massive use from different directions and altitudes within a radius of at least 3 km.

The Pishchal electromagnetic gun is one of the lightest handheld jammers on the market, weighing a mere about 3.5 kg. It can jam UAV control/navigation channels at a range of 2 km.

As a hard-kill component of its counter UAV system, Rosoboronexport offers short-range air defense systems, in particular, KBP’s Pantsir-S1M self-propelled anti-aircraft gun/missile (SPAAGM) system or Almaz-Antey’s Tor-type SAM system.

These systems are capable of effectively engaging a variety of air attack weapons, including UAVs. The Pantsir-S1M SPAAGM has missile and gun armament and destroys air targets at up to 30 km in range and up to 18 km in altitude. The Tor-M2E’s engagement envelope against air targets is 15 km in range and 10 km in altitude.

The ‘last-ditch’ air defense will be best provided by the Verba or Igla-S MANPADS, as well as the Gibka-S MANPADS squad combat vehicles, capable of firing Verba or Igla-S MANPADS. These MANPADS can destroy targets at a maximum range of 6 km and at a maximum altitude of 3.5 km.

The integrated use of the proposed electronic warfare and air defense assets will enable effective countermeasures against UAVs of any class provided air enemy reconnaissance and automated control systems are in place.

Rosoboronexport says it optimises configuration of the system components for countering UAV threats depending on the customer’s needs and its vision of security threats to its infrastructure, transport, energy and military installations.

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