IDEX 2021: MBDA launches Sky Warden counter UAS system

US defence manufacturer MBDA launched a Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) solution at this week’s IDEX 2021 exhibition in Abu Dhabi.

According to MBDA, the Sky Warden system manages the full C-UAS kill chain from detection to neutralisation and is designed to operate both as an integrated component in a layered air defence architecture, or in a stand-alone configuration. Sky Warden can be vehicle mounted or dismounted. It is designed to neutralise all classes of UAV, from small Class 1 micro-UAVs to large tactical UAVs, as well as other traditional air threats and can be scaled for different applications.

Sky Warden features a command and control (C2) system designed to manage and coordinate a co-system of sensors, soft-kill and hard-kill effectors to defend armed forces units or sensitive sites across a large protection perimeter.

The modular architecture can be adapted to end-user requirements or to plug and play emerging and future novel sensing and effector technologies. MBDA C-UAS solutions have already been successfully demonstrated to customers.

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