GDELS-Steyr presents new air defence variant of the PANDUR EVO

General Dynamics European Land Systems–Steyr is to present a new variant of the PANDUR 6×6 EVO at AUSA Global Force in Huntsville, Alabama from March 25 to 27. The new Maneuver Short Range Air Defense, or M-SHORAD, variant is equipped with Moog’s unmanned RIwP turret (Reconfigurable Integrated-weapons Platform), a scalable weapons platform for air defence, anti-tank or fire support and missile effectors. The M-SHORAD PANDUR is particularly designed for highly mobile force protection against manned and unmanned airborne threats.

The PANDUR with integrated RlwP is equipped with a 30 x 113 mm caliber XM914 cannon and 2 x 4 launchers for Stinger anti-aircraft missiles. The cannon is able to fire ammunition with a proximity fuse. A software-defined cognitive Ku-band, 4D medium-range pulse-Doppler radar of Echodyne’s EchoShield is used to monitor the airspace at close range and for target tracking. Two control consoles for the weapon system and the fire control computers are located inside the vehicle. 

The US Army fields the STRYKER-based SGT STOUT (M-SHORAD Inc 1) and the C-UAS program M-LIDS (Mobile Low slow small-unmanned aircraft Integrated Defeat System), both also using the RIwP turret. General Dynamics notes that a total of 100 PANDUR 6×6 EVO will shortly be in service with the Austrian Armed Forces, with the Austrian defence ministry ordering a further 225 vehicles in twelve different mission variants.

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General Dynamics European Land Systems

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