Eurosatory 2024: Kongsberg announces NOMADS air defence/C-UAS delivery to Norwegian Army

Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace has announced the delivery of its the National Manoeuvre Air Defence System (NOMADS) to the Norwegian Army.

According to the company: “This highly mobile, ground-based air defence system is designed to protect the Army’s manoeuvre units close to the frontline against increasingly complex aerial threats. With capabilities unmatched by any existing system, NOMADS is tailor-made to address both current and future challenge

NOMADS consists of a SHORAD (Short Range Air Defence) module mounted on an armoured mechanized vehicle with high off-road mobility. This module integrates key command and control functions and applications from the medium-range NASAMS system and includes a passive seeker missile and an AESA radar from Weibel Scientific in Denmark. The system is capable of detecting and intercepting drones, UAVs, cruise missiles, helicopters, and aircraft.

For more information—mechanized-short-range-air-defence-with-unique-capabilities/

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