DroneShield releases the 6th edition of its counter drone Factbook

Counter drone company DroneShield has released the 6th edition of its Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) Factbook. It covers key trends in the C-UAS market including a review of the emerging UAS threat and its key categories, UAS types and capabilities.

Key threat activities include:

  1. Nuisance activity
  2. Intelligence, Surveillance and Recognisance (ISR)
  3. Payload delivery

The UAS types include Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs).

UAS types range from group 1 (consumer and commercial UAS), all the way to group 5 (Reaper, Global Hawk, and other large sovereign UAS).

The Factbook considers various types of UAS detection sensors, including radiofrequency (RF) sensors, radars, acoustics, optics, and multi-sensor systems. It also reviews and compares various UAS effectors, including jammers (control link and GNSS jamming), spoofing, directed energy, counterdrone drones, other kinetic solutions, and layered C-UAS defeat options.

The Factbook finally reviews types of counter-UAS providers, ranging from start-ups and project companies, across to prime contractors, to established small businesses.

The Factbook can be viewed here.

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