Colombian Special Forces deploying GECI Hunter Drone with counter-UAS capability

Late last year, the Colombian MoD inked a USD 2.8 million contract with Spain’s GECI Group – which has a subsidiary company in Colombia – for delivery of the company’s Hunter Drone UAS, with delivery scheduled for completion in May this year.

The specific model procured – the C-UAS GECI-Toshiba Hunter Drone – features autonomous tracking and capture capabilities in the counter-UAS role, though the main user – the Special Operations Battalion of the Army’s Air Assault Division – will primarily employ the drone on ISR missions. It uses a tethered net system to capture unauthorised drones, safely transporting them to designated locations and thereby reducing the potential for collateral damage. The system also offers a drogue chute option for capturing larger, faster targets.

Importantly, the Hunter Drone system can conduct forensic analysis on captured drones – often a critical element of being able to identify, locate and prosecute errant or hostile operators.

For more information:

Global – Geci Group (

(Image: The C-UAS GECI-Toshiba Hunter Drone employs autonomous tracking and a tethered net system to capture and retrieve unauthorised drones. Credit: Toshiba)

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