Blighter Surveillance white paper explains the need for multi-mode radar technology

The Blighter Surveillance white paper, Multi-Mode Radar, finds traditional radars are not able to address all the threats facing the unmanned sector. Multi-mode radars, however, offer traditional radar capabilities while at the same time allowing extended capabilities including drone, covert boat and crawler detection. The radar can apply its different modes depending on where it is looking. The white paper examines the different technologies and explains the need for a more diverse surveillance portfolio.

Traditional surveillance radars have been defined by their radar architecture and mechanical construction, resulting in application specific radar designs, such as:
◼️ Ground Surveillance Radar
◼️ Air Traffic Control Radar
◼️ Coastal Vessel Tracking System (VTS) Radar

The advancement of radar technology including availability of low-cost electronic scanning antennas, high capability and easily programmable signal processing platforms, and high-quality digital waveform generators, allows modern radars to do so much more than their predecessors.

Read the white paper here

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