DOMUS U-space partners test integration of drones in manned airspace

Members of the DOMUS consortium, a SESAR project to demonstrate safe integration of drones with manned aviation, completed the first U-space evaluation in mid-July 2019 to test all the parameters necessary to ensure drones can operate safely with other airspace users. Led by Spanish air navigation service provider Enaire, DOMUS (Demonstration of multiple U-space suppliers) is part of a European network of U-space demonstrations contained within the SESAR programme.

DOMUS aims to demonstrate U-space services such as tactical de‐confliction and collaboration with airspace management in controlled airspace. The consortium of 17 companies includes U-space service providers, drone operators, communications providers, systems integrators and drones from different manufacturers. The demonstrations are taking place in Jaén and Lugo, Andalucía. Half of the EUR4 million project was co-funded within the framework the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility programme in October 2018.

The tests consider scenarios as diverse as the use of unmanned aircraft for parcel delivery or in a fire emergency. Additionally, a U-space test was carried out for the first time in an urban environment in Spain in conjunction with a Smart City platform in the town of Villacarrillo, in Jaén.

The final demonstration will take place in September of this year and will provide an example for the full integration of drones in airspace.

A total of seventeen companies comprise DOMUS. In addition to ENAIRE, Alg, Isdefe, Ineco, Correos, CRIDA, Indra, GMV Aerospace & Defence, Everis Aeroespacial y Defensa, Earth Networks, FADA-CATEC, FuVeX, Pildo Labs, SOTICOL Robotics Systems, Vodafone España, SCR and AirMap.

(Image: Members of the DOMUS consortium, courtesy of Enaire)

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