Rolls-Royce / Lockheed Martin

Type of C-UAS
Directed energy

In May 2022 Rolls-Royce reported it had successfully demonstrated ‘deep magazine’ power capability for directed energy applications, powering multiple, extended laser field tests in collaboration with Lockheed Martin as part of the Layered Laser Defense (LLD) project. The Rolls-Royce ColdFire system includes both battery-powered and near-continuous firing modes, through a compact Rolls-Royce M250 gas turbine engine which provides consistent, extended power to operate the laser application.

“Powered by the Rolls-Royce system, Lockheed Martin’s laser weapon system successfully shot down flying targets during the recent field tests conducted in partnership with the Office of Naval Research at the US Army’s High Energy Laser Systems Test Facility at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico,” says the company press release. “Lockheed Martin developed the 100kW-class LLD to demonstrate laser weapon system technologies in an integrated system. Coupled with a Rolls-Royce ColdFire power and thermal system, it provides nearly continuous firing capability to engage more types of targets, in larger numbers, with longer range, than previous systems. Paul Shattuck, Lockheed Martin, Director of Directed Energy Systems, said, “Our industry team worked together in great partnership to bring forward critical knowledge to build this compact laser weapon system with a near-limitless magazine.”

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