Latest software release from Citadel Defense features artificial intelligence and machine learning

US counter UAS equipment supplier Citadel Defense says it has launched a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning software release for its Titan counter drone systems that are deployed across thirteen countries. In a press release, Citadel says its AI and machine learning software has evolved over 27 months of deployments across multiple combatant commands and hundreds of unique environments. As a result of company’s dataset adapted for AI-based drone detection, Citadel says it can cost-effectively extend protection against emerging foreign-built drones.

“Library-limited counter drone systems that are overly complex put important missions at risk along with our servicemen and women. Titan’s use of AI, machine learning, and automated robotics significantly reduces operator stress while accelerating response time,” explains Christopher Williams, CEO of Citadel Defense. “By substantially reducing system complexity, providing an industry-leading low false alarm rate, and delivering the most expansive detection and mitigation threat coverage, Citadel’s customers can focus on their missions without unnecessary and potentially life-threatening distractions,” he adds.

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