New SUSI app supports automated flight plan submissions, provides flight info

Swiss air navigation service provider skyguide has launched two new apps (mobile and web-based) designed to allow drone operators to plan and operate a flight in Swiss airspace, subject to air traffic control. The U-Space App enables drone operators to create and submit a flight plan and shows whether a skyguide approval is required or not for their operations. Flights requiring skyguide approval will still need to trigger the standard skyguide’s Special Flight Office approval process.

By using the apps, drone operators can create and manage the profile of the pilot and of the drone, thus being able to plan safe drone operations in time and space. Drone operators will also be able to create a flight plan for operations exempt of air traffic control approval as well as flight plans for operations within CTRs (Control Zones) requiring air traffic control clearances. Furthermore, the app enables the operator by submitting a flight plan to view live manned aircraft flights and other unmanned operations at or around a specific location.

The mobile app is available from 8 June 2020 for devices running on iOS and Android operating systems on the respective stores. All these services provided by the U-Space apps will be initially free of charge for the operators.

In Switzerland, skyguide is responsible for providing clearances for drone operations in the airspace in which the Air Traffic Control (ATC) approval is required. This includes airspace around airports and regional aerodromes. Skyguide’s U-Space Apps allow drone operators to get an overview of key restrictions and constraints on drone operations, those being general as well as location specific.

The following information in accordance with the current regulation in Switzerland is also available by using the U-Space Apps:

  • Air traffic related constraints
  • Civil liability constraints
  • Operational constraints (including Prohibited and Restricted Areas)
  • Public security, privacy protection and environmental constraints
  • Permanent danger areas
  • Navigation warnings
  • Other landing sites
  • Glider sectors
  • Military temporary reserved areas

The displayed data is provided directly by skyguide and not by any third party. In the next months, more features, functionalities and services will be added to the apps, making those an invaluable tool for drone operators.

Skyguide’s U-Space Apps are available for download here:



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