US FAA conducts national drone operator survey to support regulatory change

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is conducting a survey of recreational and commercial UAS operators who have registered under Section 349 and Part 107. The FAA says given the lack of available data on the flight behavior of UAS operators, the results from the voluntary online survey will be used for national forecasts of activity to determine economic, technology and regulatory changes in the industry.

The survey consists of a voluntary questionnaire administered online. Registrants within the FAA’s UAS registrations under Part 107 and Section 349 are invited to complete the questionnaire via email. The email contains a personalized link to the questionnaire hosted by Survey Monkey. The questionnaire contains:

  • 6 questions on general flight behaviour,
  • 4 questions about the number and types of UAS operated,
  • 5 questions for respondents who identity as commercial operators, and
  • 7 questions for respondents who identify as operating for public safety agencies. Including a social-media preference and self-identifying questions, the questionnaire contains a total 24 question. However, the majority of respondents will only answer the first 12 questions.

The data obtained from the survey will be used for developing national forecasts of UAS activity. Summary data from the proposed survey will be included in the Aviation Forecast published annually by the FAA.

Survey response is requested by 14 July 2020

Point of contact:; phone: 202-267-4735

For more information visit:

Link to FAA survey:

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