Harmonizing national regulatory approaches – Seventh RPAS CivOps forum set for Madrid, January 2019

RPAS CivOps 2019, the Seventh annual European Civil RPAS Operators & Operations Forum, is taking place in Madrid, Spain on 23 and 24 January 2019. This event is coordinated with and hosted by AESA (The Spanish Aviation Safety & Security Agency). In line with the event’s theme “Harmonizing National Regulatory Approaches”, Civil Drone Councils (public/private partnerships) will give updates on their national activities. A focus will be put on the harmonization of national approaches to certain matters of critical importance to the current and future RPAS operator community that are covered by the upcoming European regulation (e.g. experience with the use of SORA to define standard scenarios for RPAS flight operations [incl. experimental], U-Space, and its integration with ATM), as well as topics that are not covered by the upcoming European regulation (such as flight schools, pilot training and qualification, standards (incl. product safety/C€ marking), proposed standard operational scenarios, test ranges and relevant safety rules).

The conference’s 45 speakers include:

  • The Civil Drone Councils of France, Germany, The Netherlands & Spain;
  • The national aviation authorities and air navigation service providers of France (DGAC DTA and DGAC DSAC), Germany (Federal Ministry of Transport & Digital Infrastructure and DFS), The Netherlands (Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management and Human Environment & Transport Directorate and LVNL)  and Spain (AESA (6x), ENAIRE and CRIDA);
  • Representatives of international, European and national organisations: European Commission, EASA, SESAR JU, EUROCONTROL, Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD), European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), EUROCAE, ASD-STAN, Spanish Ministry of Public Works & Transport, Spanish Ministry of Economy, as well as the European U-Space Demonstrator Network, the Interreg-ICAReS consortium, and the Rescue Drones Network; and
  • Corporate representatives (operators, manufacturers and service providers) from nine countries (Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, UK).


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