Netherlands now offers generic permit for BVLOS operations over “controlled territory”

The Dutch Environment and Transport Inspectorate announced on March 25 that it is now possible to apply for a generic permit for drone operations that take place outside the pilot’s line of sight above a controlled territory in atypical airspace.

Previously, only specifically licensed beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations in atypical airspace above sparsely populated areas and generically licensed BVLOS operations in controlled airspace were possible.

In order to be able to perform BVLOS operations over controlled territory and in atypical airspace generically, operators must pay extra attention to the flight preparation procedures when applying for their permit. Operators must describe the limitations of atypical airspace and how this affects flight path planning, ensure that the ground risk buffer lies entirely within the controlled territory, describe how the controlled territory is guaranteed for each situation (for example, by means of physical barriers) and ensure that a procedure is in place whereby everyone who may be present during an operation is briefed and, if necessary, trained. These persons are located within the controlled territory and are involved persons. They must also explicitly agree to their involvement.

For more information

Dutch Environment and Transport Inspectorate

Image: Shutterstock

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