Counter-UAS experts from several European Union based organisations on Monday 17 March met for the kick-off meeting for the COURAGEOUS² project, “marking the beginning of an important initiative to support DG-HOME in strengthening Europe’s response to the challenges posed by non-cooperative drones,” according to a Linkedin post from Geert De Cubber, Team Leader of the Robotics & Autonomous Systems Research Unit, Project Coordinator of the EU-ISF COURAGEOUS Project.
The main objective of the COURAGEOUS² project is to assist the European Commission DG HOME in the implementation of the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on countering potential threats posed by drones. The COURAGEOUS² project will build on the results of the COURAGEOUS project that developed a standard test methodology for counter-drone systems in order to gain a better common understanding by EU Law Enforcement Agencies of the performance of counter-drone solutions.
According to Geert De Cubber:
“COURAGEOUS² brings together a reinforced consortium of eight Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) from across Europe—alongside academic, RTO, and industry partners—to:
- Advance a harmonized testing methodology for counter-drone systems
- Conduct performance tests to assess C-UAS capabilities
- Map regulatory needs to guide future policies
- Engage with end-users, industry, and stakeholders through community-building activities
- Contribute to a digital platform for drone incident information
- Leverage and index existing counter-drone training modules
- Ensure responsible information sharing among EU LEA
For more information