ENAIRE simulator capable of testing drone operating environments

Spain’s national air navigation service provider, ENAIRE, has presented the GammaSim virtual reality simulator at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. GammaSim is able to simulate new scenarios and test drone operating environments.

The system provides air traffic control simulations with a 3D visual environment for towers that has an option to implement en route and approach scenarios. GammaSim features remote connectivity and has the option to connect several teams to the same exercise. Currently, GammaSim is used as a simulator to conduct all the training on air traffic control at airports (emergencies, standard procedures, unusual situations, low visibility, etc.), as well as a support tool when designing new functions, airspace procedures and scenarios. 

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Image: Arancha Hernández, ENAIRE’s People Director, together with Juan Antonio Lombo Moruno, Head of ATC Training Division and José Ramón Alarcón Rodríguez, Head of GammaSim Simulator Activity. (ENAIRE photo)

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