Diehl launches C-UAS net-capture and kinetic interceptor drone at Enforce Tac

Diehl Defence exhibited its Sky Sphere drone defence system at this year’s Enforce Tac trade fair, which took place in Nuremberg at the end of February. The new eMissile CICADA is designed to defend against threats from class 1 and 2 drones and was being presented under this name for the first time in Europe.

CICADA is an electrically driven missile that can be deployed in two versions with different payloads. In a non-lethal version, drones are to be neutralized by a catch net; in a lethal version, a fragmentation warhead is integrated as an effector.

“The effector CICADA is part of the overall system Sky Sphere which covers the entire sensor to shooter chain,” said the company in a press release. “Due to the modular set-up, Sky Sphere can be completed customer-specifically either with company own components or with components from partner companies.

“Diehl Defence is currently in discussions with potential customers for initial customer-specific integration projects and plans to have the system available on the market from 2026.

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