The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management in the Netherlands has published its Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS) paper (in Dutch) to provide direction for the development of BVLOS flights in the country.
Currently, BVLOS operations in the Netherlands are permitted to a limited extent in atypical airspace (lower risk). The paper aims to provide clarity to parties that are currently working on BVLOS applications and supporting services. The Ministry also indicates which possibilities are seen for BVLOS, what is possible now, and how this can be applied more broadly in the future. It sets out potential measures for the further integration of drones, particularly BVLOS operations, into the national airspace.
These include the provision of U-space-based services. To realise U-space, the paper says a certified Common Information Service (CIS), at least one certified U-space Service Provider (USSP) for each U-space, and an Airspace Risk Assessment must be in place. Each USSP should offer a network identification, geo awareness, drone flight authorisation and traffic information services.
According to the Ministry, “a start has been made on appointing and certifying a CIS, there is currently no certified USSP, and no party has yet applied for certification”.
The paper also proposes a Detect and Avoid (DAA) system. It focuses on an aircraft DAA rather than ground risks. This approach would include strategic de-confliction in the flight planning phase, tactical separation and collision avoidance systems. The Ministry says that due to varying requirements, it may be necessary to develop more than one DAA system.
“Non-cooperative traffic will have to be detected in a different way,” the paper adds. “This can be done with active sensors, such as radar and lidar, or with passive sensors.”
As these solutions are not yet sufficiently mature, the Ministry is considering a bridging solution by applying a ground-based network of detection systems.
A step-by-step plan to achieve the safe operation of BVLOS flights with minimal restrictions for all airspace users is included in the paper. The Ministry will use this plan as it works with the sector to solve the issues of airspace integration. Meetings with the stakeholders and regulators will further shape the plan.
For more information
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management – Netherlands
Image: From the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management BVLOS paper