US destroys eight Houthi UAS in 24 hours as UK targets drone bases

US Central Command (USCENTCOM) reported on June 6 that its forces successfully destroyed eight Houthi uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) in 24 hours. Additionally, a coalition ship successfully engaged one UAS over the Red Sea. USCENTCOM forces also successfully destroyed two Houthi uncrewed surface vessels in the Red Sea.

USCENTCOM determined these systems presented an imminent threat to US, coalition forces, and merchant vessels in the region. There were no injuries or damage reported by US, coalition, or commercial ships as a result of this activity.

US intelligence suggests that the UAS are being launched from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen over the Red Sea. On May 30, the UK Ministry of Defence confirmed two locations near Hudaydah as being involved with the Houthi anti-shipping attacks, with a number of buildings identified as housing drone ground control facilities and providing storage for very long range drones, as well as surface to air weapons used to impede coalition operations to safeguard shipping in the region. Furthermore, a set of Houthi facilities at Ghulayfiqah, further south on the Yemeni coast, had also been identified as being involved in the command and control of their anti-shipping campaign. As a result of this intelligence, Royal Air Force Typhoon aircraft conducted strikes on the target buildings at these three locations.

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UK Ministry of Defence

Image: An RAF Typhoon aircraft takes off to join the US-led coalition to conduct air strikes against military targets in Yemen. (MOD Crown Copyright)

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