Walmart partners with DeFli Networks to set up detection and docking network

DeFli Networks, the decentralized drone detection and UTM solutions network, has announced a strategic partnership with Walmart in the US that will see Walmart locations host a variety of DeFli hardware including:

  • DeFli Detection Devices
  • DeFli Charging and Docking Stations

The former will be used to increase the “UTM as a service” and “Drone Detection as a service” networks offered by DeFli by virtue of massively increasing the network density across the US owing to Walmart’s physical footprint, according to the press release.

Walmart is expanding the agnostic charging network offered by DeFli to their UTM client base. This charging network enables operators in the UAS space to fly longer missions by pre-booked charging mid-route as well as providing safe haven from inclement weather conditions mid-route.

In return, Walmart will be able to access the DeFli UTM for free, perhaps signalling an entry into the “drone delivery” market whilst also taking advantage of the DeFli Drone Detection Network to combat the growing threat to infrastructure owners from drones.

DeFli is a pioneer in building the infrastructure requirements to enable the mass roll-out of UAS based serviced. This includes:

  • A dense network of ADSB receivers that negate Line of Sight issues
  • ADSC receivers ready for C-Band communication protocols
  • Traditional airspace integration technology including ADSB and ACARS overlay mapping
  • Manufacturer agnostic charging stations

The DeFli Drone Detection Network offers “drone detection as a service” and combines traditional Rf frequency scanning (WiFi, LTE, Occusync, LoRa and SATCOM) with forward scatter analysis powered by AI that identifies drone incursions through variations in the signal received from satellites and LoRa base stations.

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