South Korea’s DAPA accelerates industry involvement in domestic C-UAS programmes

South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) is expected to hold a briefing session with local defence companies to provide input into the DAPA portable drone jammer project at the Government Complex in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province, Wednesday, reports c-UAS analyst Tim De Zitter in a Linkedin post.

“DAPA recently put up a notice for the 48.5 billion-won (USD37.2 million) project on its procurement website as Seoul has sought to bolster anti-drone capabilities after North Korea’s drone incursions late last year,” according to the Korea Times. “Under the project, DAPA seeks to purchase the counter-drone system to be operated by the Army, the Navy and the Air Force from local companies. It will accept bids through August 8. The system is expected to be able to detect small-sized drones and neutralize them by jamming their signals.”

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