Spanish U-space simulation centre shares drone safety research with European specialists

Institutional and technical representatives of Eurocontrol, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and of the State Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) participated in a demonstration of use cases of the U-Space simulators of the Rozas Aeroportada Research Center (CIAR) at the end of May.

The director of the Galician Agency for Innovation, Patricia Argerey, highlighted that the two simulators developed by Boeing and Indra allow Galicia and Spain to be at the forefront of technology development and safe operations with unmanned vehicles, and highlighted that it is time for these infrastructures to be taken as a reference at the European level to carry out complex tests and thus encourage the advancement of the sector and generate new markets for the safe operations of drones, says the press release.

The two CIAR U-Space simulators were developed by Boeing and Indra, with the collaboration of 13 companies, technology centers and entities, within the framework of a Public Purchase of Innovation contract financed by the Center for Technological Development and Innovation ( CDTI), and European Feder funds from the Plurirregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020; They allow to improve the efficiency and safety of the tests with unmanned aircraft technologies, minimizing the risks in their implementation and simulating a wide variety of scenarios before proceeding to physically carry out flight activities.

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