UK Royal Navy’s Command Above Water Battlespace Team awards LiveLink a UKP1 million C-UAS contract

The UK Royal Navy’s Command Above Water Battlespace team, part of the UK Ministry of Defence intends to enter into a contract with LiveLink Technology LTD for the provision of counter-UAS systems to address the need to identify drone threats. The duration of the contract will be 24 months and has an estimated value of UKP1 million.

“Our AIS (Air Intelligence System) is an innovative air surveillance tool that gives a clear, accurate, user-friendly and cost-effective solution to assist with the securing of airspace for defensive and pro-aviation-related activities,” says the company’s website. “By utilising specifically designed hardware, bespoke firmware, and a cutting-edge software control system, this mesh-based air defence solution can be deployed and employed locally or at scale around any infrastructure that requires airspace surveillance.

The LiveLink Airspace Intelligence System continuously evolves through machine learning, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and algorithms. “The AIS technology stack works in concert with our ‘Command and Control’ C2 human interface, Zeus, the central hub of the LiveLink Airspace Intelligence System,” according to the company. “Zeus correlates all the data into a central system and presents it to the operator in an easy-to-understand graphical display. Every sensor within the AIS has been engineered to function as a stand-alone or as part of a multi-sensor system, depending on specific requirements. For example, it could be the Panoptes App and PDAR working in tandem or Hera’s Electro-Optical Detection system working solo. Both of these scenarios feed relevant data back to Zeus Control, providing an early warning of any potentially malicious activities.”

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