Garuda Robotics and OneSky partner to provide UTM services in Malaysia

Garuda Robotics, in an exclusive partnership with OneSky, aims to provide Uncrewed Aircraft Traffic Management (UTM) services to aviation authorities, city governments, enterprises, and security agencies in Malaysia, says a joint press release. Garuda Robotics’ operations at Drone & Robotics Zone (DRZ) Iskandar Drone Test Site in Iskandar Puteri aims to be a showcase for the value this collaboration can unlock for Malaysia.

The DRZ Iskandar test site, comprising two separate parcels of land dedicated to drone operations, will be available for all users for conducting training; Uncrewed R&D and testing; and validating advanced operations.

All DRZ Iskandar drone test site airspace operations will be coordinated at Garuda’s on-site Drone Operations Centre in Iskandar Puteri.

The centre is equipped with the latest technologies and physical infrastructure, including:

  • Plex Horizon, for Command and Control (C2) of Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations
  • OneSky Uncrewed Aircraft Traffic Management System (UTMS), for tactical deconfliction and conformance monitoring
  • MyDroneFleets Network Remote ID, for drone-agnostic airspace management
  • Operational support such as Coworking space, workshop, charging station, storage, etc.

Consultancy and services for all site users will be provided by Garuda Robotics, with the primary goal of empowering Malaysian enterprises to effectively scale their drone operations. These services include:

  • Assistance with permit applications and government liaison
  • Logistics (through Garuda’s partnership with DHL)
  • Fleet management
  • Systems consultancy
  • Human capital and talent development
  • Liaison with international partners.

For companies evaluating the site usage for BVLOS test, OneSky will provide risk assessments that are SORA and/or ASTM compliant as well as UTM services. In risk assessment, risk likelihood is determined using results from OneSky’s operational analytics. OneSky will be providing UTM services including:

  • Registration
  • UTM Core Services
  • Airspace Management
  • Flight Management
  • Situational Awareness
  • UTM Aeronautical Information Management.

DRZ Iskandar is a catalytic initiative championed by Iskandar Investment Berhad (IIB). It is a strategic project aimed at building a vibrant drone and robotics technology ecosystem, increasing the 4IR technology adoption and a talent hub which serves as a growth engine for Malaysia.

Managing Director of Garuda Robotics (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Mr. Frederick Ooi, says: “The DRZ Iskandar drone test site will be an ideal govt-approved segregated airspace to facilitate verification of the safety of UAS operations and related flight procedures, support govt authorities like CAAM, SIRIM, and MCMC during the development of certification standards, provide tech companies a proper space to conduct R&D of new drone solutions and drone flight training, and will be the go-to place for drone flying in southern Johor.”

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